From the Illusion of "Artificial Intelligence" to the Rigor of "Computational Reasoning"

Tired of hearing about "Artificial Intelligence"? I know I am. That's why I've written an article advocating for a more precise term: "Computational Reasoning." It better reflects the state of the technology and raises essential questions about ethics and how it will shape our future. Want to join the discussion? #artificialintelligence #computationalreasoning #technology #ethics #augmentedhumanity


Federico Lix Klett

2/21/20243 min read

From the Illusion of "Artificial Intelligence" to the Rigor of "Computational Reasoning"

Reframing the Paradigm:

by Lic. Federico Lix Klett

A Semantic Crossroads:

The term "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) has permeated the collective imagination, impregnating it with both fascination and wariness. However, this term, coined in 1956 at Dartmouth College, falls short of accurately reflecting the nature and capabilities of the technologies it encompasses.

Etymology and Semantics:

"Intelligence" derives from the Latin "intelligere", meaning "to understand", "to perceive", or "to grasp". It implies a complex faculty that encompasses reasoning, abstraction, problem solving, learning, and adaptation.

"Artificial" comes from the Latin "ars", meaning "art", and "facere", meaning "to make". It refers to something created by humans, as opposed to something natural.

Combining these terms creates a misleading expectation: that of a machine possessing the same intelligence as a human being. The reality, at least for now, is more prosaic.

Computational Reasoning as a Precise Framework:

"Computational Reasoning" (CR) is defined as the ability of machines to process information, analyze data, and draw conclusions using algorithms and computational processes. This term, more precise and circumscribed, describes with greater fidelity the current capabilities of AI.

Beyond the Human-Machine Dichotomy:

CR does not seek to imitate human intelligence, but rather explores new ways of processing information and solving problems. It is a powerful tool that opens up endless possibilities in diverse fields, from medicine and science to economics and everyday life.

Consciousness and Computation:

The fundamental difference between conscious and computational beings lies in the capacity to experience emotions, sensations, and qualia. Humans, as conscious entities, are capable of feeling pain, joy, love, and a wide range of emotions that shape our subjective experience of the world. Machines, on the other hand, do not possess this ability.

The Era of Augmented Humanity:

The development of CR opens the door to the Era of Augmented Humanity, where technology becomes a tool to enhance our cognitive and physical capacities. CR allows us to overcome our limitations, access information instantly, and perform tasks that were previously impossible.

Accuracy and Sincerity:

The term "Computational Reasoning" is more precise and sincere than "Artificial Intelligence". It does not create false expectations or equate the capabilities of machines with those of humans. It is a term that allows us to be more honest about the current state of technology and its potential applications.

Ethics of Computational Reasoning:

The goodness or evil of CR does not reside in the technology itself, but in the decisions we humans make. It is our responsibility to use this tool responsibly and ethically, ensuring the well-being of humanity and building a better future.

It is time to reframe the AI paradigm. We embrace "Computational Reasoning" as a more precise and honest denomination, inviting us to reflect on the possibilities and challenges that this new technological era presents. The Era of Augmented Humanity is already here, and CR is a powerful tool that we can use to improve our lives and build a more prosperous future for all.

However, this future is not without risks. It is important that we are aware of the potential consequences of CR development and that we take the necessary measures to ensure that it is used responsibly and more.

Who is Federico Lix Klett?

An Argentinian businessman who loves technology. Founded a company that builds helpful tools using AI (CR). Excited about how technology can improve our lives. Thinks we should be more careful about how we describe AI – it's not as smart as people think!

Federico Lix Klett

Por Federico Lix Klett

Founder FALK Impellers y FALK Advertising Matters

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Federico Lix Klett, fundador FALK Impellers y FALK Advertising Matters
Federico Lix Klett, fundador FALK Impellers y FALK Advertising Matters